Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pleasures of the Past

lyrics sheet for "Possessed"
We're going to start re-releasing several of our EPs that were only available on cassette tape. I was working up some of the logistics to do that and I ran across the original lyric sheets to some of the songs. One of our favorite songs from the late 90s sessions was called, "Possessed." 

It's a hardcore song. I just thought I'd share. When we get ready to put that EP back out, I'll let you know. It will be sometime this summer. We might even dig out a bonus song or two for the release and make it a proper redux. There is a large body of unreleased work, sometimes it's songs that we never intended to do anything with, a random cover tune, or just some sounds that we experimented with intending to develop further. That happens quite a bit, there is a song on the new EP that has been stewing in Jared's mind for the better part of the last decade.


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